The English Department at Sleepy Hollow Middle School and Sleepy Hollow High School consists of a total of nineteen highly trained, certified, and committed professionals whose primary purpose is to ensure that all students enjoy an academically rigorous, yet developmentally appropriate experience each year from grade 6 through 12. Middle school English Language Arts classes are heterogeneously grouped for core classes, and we offer an enriched experience for our most capable middle school students. Once students enter the high school, they may choose either Regents or Honors level English courses for ninth and tenth grades, and for junior and seniors, there are Advanced Placement courses as well. When needed, remedial and support classes are offered as well. As students navigate through middle and high school, their English teachers play a critical role in advocating for each student’s best interests, especially during the transition period from middle to high school. In keeping with the student-centered, personalized climate that we have cultivated at the secondary level, the English Department actively assists students through the college application process, prepares students for the various assessments and college entrance exams they will take, and provides support to students who may opt to enter the military, workforce, or other fields of work after high school.